Title I
Title I at Stayton Elementary School
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services to help all children meet challenging state academic standards.
Design of our Program
We are a school-wide Title I program school. In a school-wide Title 1 school, Title 1 funds may be used to provide services to any student. School-wide programs serve all children in a school. Title 1 is not a Special Education program. All staff, resources, and classes are part of the overall school-wide program. The purpose is to generate high levels of academic achievement in core subject areas for all students, especially those most in need. Our assistants (paraprofessionals) must be highly qualified to work in a school-wide program.
What does our program look like?
- We analyze student performance data to personalize instruction and address individual needs.
- We use a collaborative approach between classroom teachers and specialists to provide a multi-level support system.
- A variety of staff interact with students to respond to their needs.
Title I Parent Involvement
Research has shown us that family engagement is critical to a child's success in education. Stayton Elementary families are encouraged to be engaged by volunteering at the school, attending conferences for their students, contacting teachers by email/phone, and attending PTC meetings. During the school year, we offer many family activities, including an Open House, Grandparents Lunch, Music Programs, and Family Nights on topics such as Literacy, Art, Math, and Science.
In our school, families are involved in the process of establishing the goals by:
- Completing the YouthTruth Survey
- Completing surveys provided during family events which include an area to give feedback on the plan
- Attending the Title I Parent Input Meeting, which occurs annually during a PTC meeting
- Participating during other district or building-level parent feedback forums
- Providing feedback through our family liaisons